Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Tips & Trick Cafe World

Cafe World Tips, Tricks, and Hints - 3 Things That Will Put You Ahead of Your Neighbors!

These Cafe World tips, tricks, and hints will put you way ahead of your competition if you use them correctly!

1) Set up a very efficient layout.

There are some layouts that do a lot better than others, so why not use them?

The best ones I've found are the horse shoe shape (where you have a little space behind the chairs for customers to walk) and setting up a few rows (again where there is space between the tables and backs of chairs).

Both of these allow plenty of chairs but also let your servers reach everyone.

2) Setup a great cooking schedule.

Probably the most lucrative of these Cafe World tips, tricks, and hints, if you're always cooking, you're always getting ready to make more money!

The problem a lot of new players have is they don't plan their meals well, so they often are left with no food to serve, which means no money coming in.

This leads me into my next point...

3) Cook the best foods as much as possible.

Some foods give 1 coin per serving, some give 4, some give 24 or even 99!

But to really maximize your earning power, you'll have to use combinations of foods and use foods that give the most coins per hour.

For example, Bacon Cheeseburgers give 13 servings x 4 coins x 12 times in an hour = 624 coins, which is pretty nice for just one stove!

The drawback here is that you have to take time to sit and watch it, so if you aren't spending lots of time on Cafe World, try other foods to get ahead.

Cafe World Layout Ideas - 3 Tips That Will Help Turn Your Cafe Around For the Much Better!

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Warcraft Levelling Alliance - Why Play a Dwarf?

Starting in Coldridge valley in Dun Morogh the Dwarfs immediately benefit from using ranged skills against the local beasts and trolls. In a starting area that really does benefit from "standing well back," it is possible for Dwarfs to level up quite quickly.

Ironforge is the second most popular racial base for Alliance on most servers, and is well laid out with flight point located in the central chamber and the tram to take you through the mountains to Stormwind. I am not going to go through all the quests that Dwarfs can take (see my free guide for that) Instead I will concentrate on why you might want to play a dwarf in the first place. Here is a list of the pro's and cons of playing a Dwarf in Warcraft. First the Pro's.

Stoneform - Removes some of the D.o.T effects that can harm you, as well as giving a decent 10% bonus to armour. At high level a 10% bonus really makes a huge difference, and against certain mobs the removal of D.o.T is a great undebuff.

Gun Specialization - A 1% improvement on critical chance that stacks. If you are a hunter this improvement will really make a difference, and many hinter talents pass this benefit onto your pet.

Frost Resistance - Again a useful gain here. Very applicable to certain areas and mobs, but an advantage none the less.

Find Treasure - This adds an option to the list of possible searches that you can choose from your mini map (normally in the top right of your screen). This can give you the jump on other races when it comes to getting some decent loot. It is rumoured that this will work with the 4.0 skill of archaeology as well. A handy thing to know.

Mace Specialization - Ideal for Paladins. Uncommon maces (or better) often confer decent stat bonuses to the skills best suited to this class.

So a reasonable set of bonuses, however, for any casting class other than Paladin there is little there. With Shaman and Mage being introduced as playable classes for Dwarfs in 4.0 expect a major change to these buffs. You rarely see Dwarf Priests now, and this set of buffs shows you why. This will change for sure.

Paul Rone-Clarke is an expert author specializing in the economies of Warcraft. Bringing real world techniques and experience and using them to make gold and advance in the game as enjoyably and effectively as possible. There are a range of free downloadable gold and leveling guides for all races available from: http://www.wowgoldeliteguide.com/goldblog. Alternatively, the best gold guide on the market can be bought directly from http://www.wowgoldeliteguide.com

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World of Warcraft - 5 Things Every Beginner Should Know About WoW

If you are new to World of Warcraft, there are certain things you should know in order to gain the most benefit from the game.

These five important things can bring you more joy to the game: Knowing how to behave in the game; learning the right professions; getting the right gear; using one important plug-in, and keeping track of your friends.

How to Behave in World of Warcraft

It is very important to behave politely in WoW. If you join a guild or a group, it is considered polite to say "hello" and "goodbye" when you enter and leave. If people help you, say "thank you" for their assistance.

When you are questing with people, or doing a dungeon, you will share the loot that drops. You will have the possibility to either pass on a loot, greed it (this would be nice to have), or need it (better armor, or better weapons than you already have).

If you need something, it's better to say so before you press the button, so that others may enjoy the same opportunity. Need comes before greed. If four persons have chosen greed, and you choose need, you will receive the item.

Don't ever need something that everybody could use, like jewels, lockboxes, etc.

Learning the Right Professions

You can have two main professions in WoW. Some are almost free to perform, like mining, herbalism and skinning - while others cost a lot of gold to learn, such as jewel crafting, leatherworking and enchanting.

My advice to you is to choose a gathering profession until you are at least at level 40, and have made enough gold to afford to learn a crafting profession.

Each of the gathering professions has their advantages, aside from the possibility of making you rich.

Skinning gives you agility, which is important for a hunter and a rogue.

Mining gives strength, which is good for a warrior, amongst others, and

Herbalism gives you a way to rapidly regain health, which is good for all players, especially those who have a hard time surviving. This excludes the paladin, but includes all other classes.

Get the Right Gear

You should get as good gear as possible for your char, since this will help you survive, and thus level up quicker and make gold faster. You cannot make gold when you're dead!

But don't overdo it. Uncommon items (green) are fine, and you can get a lot of good gear from quest rewards or dungeons. Or just ask your friends and guild mates to craft it for you.

Get This Plug-in

A plug-in is a small application that you add to an existing program. I'm not a big fan of lots of plug-ins, since they all take some power from your computer. However, there is one plug-in you cannot be without, if you want to make gold in WoW.

I wasn't aware of this particular plug-in when I first started to play WoW so, when I put items up for sale in the auction house, I would first check for what amount it had already sold; if any more were available; write down my sales prices on a piece of paper, and then note whether or not the item was actually sold etc.

It took a lot of my time... time that I could have used having fun in the game instead.

So, here's the answer!

Get the plug-in 'Auctioneer', and it will do all the work for you. You just have to remember to scan the auction house at least once a day to keep your database up to date.

Keep Track of Your Friends

Finally, perhaps the most fun part of WoW is the social side. When you quest with somebody, and you have a good time, add them as your friend. But, if you click at the icon to the left of their name on your friends' list, you can add a note that will enable you to remember this person later, particularly if you don't speak to each other right away. This will be very helpful later in the game.

I hope all this will help you to get a great start in World of Warcraft. It's a great game - and a great place to meet people, relax, and have fun.

And now it's time to get some free tips about how to earn gold in World of Warcraft - and have fun doing so, at http://SpeedWoWGold.com.

Gold can pay for cool mounts, pets and better armor and weaponry, but don't spend your time on boring gold farming. Earn gold the fun way. Learn how to at my site http://SpeedWoWGold.com

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Batman - Arkham Asylum - What is Kept Inside the Dark World

Batman: Arkham Asylum has been given some sweet reviews. It is well liked by everyone who plays it and caters to many age groups. Not only did it sell two million copies in two weeks, it also won a spot in Guinness world book of records as the best acclaimed super hero game. The writer of this game has been working on Batman for many years and is well seasoned with the characters and story lines so he was able to keep the game true with some new twists and spins.

This game plays in the third person where you are controlling batman. The game begins right in the heart of the drama, as Batman chases toward the asylum and the Joker follows behind. The Joker breaks into the crazy asylum and makes plans with some of the bad guys to form an evil group. After he arranges his top secret plans, a fire emerges and the Joker escapes from harm. Batman has to overcome many hurtles as he attempts to keep the Joker from releasing all of the crazy patients. He must dart over buildings and open gas vents to do this.

The game contains some gory parts which make it true to the movie The Dark Knight. There are a few violent images but nothing too disturbing. At times there are girls in skimpy outfits and the odd use of bad words, but nothing too over the top. The main functions in the game are to explore the world and fight bad guys as they try to stop you. There are four types of fighting moves you can choose from; strike, reverse, jump and stun. And with these moves you can do drop kicks, elbow slams and punch.

Some people claim that the game was a challenge to finish while others boast about completing it quickly. Everyone would agree though, that the game evoked a welcomed challenge. It was challenging but not frustrating which made it loved by all. Batman moves quickly in this game, faster than his enemies which make is easy to get through the levels and complete missions. The graphics are well done and the game features many new and old Batman characters. The only negative comment heard was that they were disappointed that the bat mobile was not useable by Batman. But with an overall 92% game ranking, that was certainly not too big of an issue.

Batman himself makes a big impression on the game. Not only is he super fast, but he also have lots of power and expensive gadgets which make fighting bad guys even that more intense. The Joker narration was also a great feature that many people loved.

Batman: Arkham Asylum is a game that will be a favourite for years to come and any sub sequencing games are already being sought after. There is something about this game that draws the attention of the young and hold, blending families and age gaps together for some quality game time together. The mature storyline and excellent fighting moves create a virtual world that appeals to all of our senses, we love the graphics, the exploration of many rooms and worlds and the missions. It is a pleasing game right to the end.

get paid a full-time job's salary to play video games

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"Lazy Video Game Player With No College Education Makes $150 a DAY Playing Video Games And Drinking Soda."

Discover how you could do the same thing and get paid a full-time job's salary to play video games all day long.

Two Minutes. Just give me two minutes of your time. Not three or four... Just spend two minutes reading the below information and if you are not interested that's fine. But just give me two minutes. That's all I ask.

As a Video Game Tester You Will:

become video gamer Get to Play NEW Video Games
become video gamer Get PAID to Play NEW Video Games
become video gamer Get PAID to Play UNRELEASED Video Games before anyone else
become video gamer Get FREE Copies of Video Games
become video gamer Get Cheat Codes, Level Secrets, and other "bugs" that only game testers know about.
become video gamer Get vital Real-World experience working with various departments such as development, marketing, manufacturing, and get "your foot in the door" to this industry.

*I'll Tell You Right Now

If you do not like playing video games then this is NOT for you.

There are companies that will PAY people to play their video games. I'm not talking about some lame ass games online. I'm talking about the latest and greatest games that are yet to hit the shelves. These games need to be tested before they are sold to millions of people.

Would you like to be the one testing new-unreleased games and getting paid for it?

*Companies Need You!

The Video Game Industry has skyrocketed over the past few years. In 2008, the video game industry is now over a $50 billion dollar business. That figure is expected to increase substantially in 2009 and 2010. What does this mean for you? If you work in this industry the amount of money going into your bank account will increase to a lot more. And next year. And the year after. That's IF you work in this industry.

Companies worldwide are desperately searching for people to test their games and PLAY THEM ONLINE, and they'll pay you nicely in return. It's a win-win situation. They release more quality games, you get paid. It's as simple as that. These companies have cash, LOTS of it, and they're eager to share it with you.

All you need to get started is a computer with internet access. What you'll be doing is playing NEW games and submitting any bugs that you've found. That's it! No prior skills or experience needed on your part. You don't need any degree in marketing to do this. Heck, you didn't even have to finish high school!

I'm going to teach you EXACTLY how to do everything with my step by step guide. I'll show you exactly how I landed a Game Testing Job and how you can do the same. I know over 50 companies that are looking for game testers such as yourself. And best of all, everything is online, that way, you can start at your own pace. All types of individuals around the world use this play games and make more money than they ever could working in a boring, dead-end day job. So, why wouldn't you? You can work part-time or full-time, it's all up to you. There will be no one to give you orders anymore! You have now become your own boss.

You know it and I know it; 99% of money making opportunities on the web are useless. Our website has been copied over 20 times. Do NOT fall for our competitor's LIES. Gamer Testing Ground has been online since 2004, longer than ALL of the jokers who've copied us. Over a period of 5+ years nothing has come close to this.

test computer, psp, xbox, playstation games

*How Does This Work?

This is like a freelance opportunity. I'll show you all the steps to how I got my job as a game tester and how you can do the same.

I'll provide you with a large online network of over 50 of companies to work with, each looking for someone such as yourself. The video game field is huge, that's why there are so many positions available. Many people love to work with companies that relate to their interests. Like ONLY car racing games? That's fine. Like ONLY RTS games like WarCraft, that's fine. Like ONLY MMORPG? No problem! Whatever your pleasure. Find the companies you'd like to work with and only work with them!

You just have to submit an application with these companies and then you can get to work. Don't worry, there are no extra fees for submitting multiple applications. Once you've figured out which company you'll work with, you'll be set. They'll send you games, you'll play them, send them a list of bugs, and they'll pay you.

The more games you test, the more money you earn. It's that simple!

I guarantee that once a company accepts you, you could earn back your membership fee multiple times over within just a day or two of testing with no trouble at all.

You'll be provided with everything you need to get started; including ways to get companies to contact YOU when THEY have games ready for testing, how to stand out on your application - why YOU are the best applicant for that position. Why YOUR gaming skillz are better (on paper anyway) than anyone else's, and more.

test video games

*Here's A Calculator For You

Look, I can't guarantee that you'll make $90/hour playing games. And the sites that say so are full of you know what.

But even if you make just $20/hour that's over $160/day for an 8 hour day.

See for yourself.

Use this sample calculator below and get an estimate your potential income*:

How much will make an hour?

How many hours/day?

How many days a week will you test games?

Daily Income: $160.00 *On days that you work.

Weekly Income: $800.00
Monthly Income: $3,200.00
Yearly Income: $41,600.00

*Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why would companies pay me to beta test games?

The game industry is now over a $50 billion dollar business. In the case of nationwide companies, producing games that have bugs in them -- games that the customers will return, means losing millions of dollars, and likely jobs.

If you buy a new MMORPG that crashes every time your character jumps while running, chances are you will not like the game and tell all of your friends not to buy it. This is a serious setback for the game company. The customers that bought their product will not buy it again and neither will their friends. This company now will have invested millions of dollars in game development, manufacturing, shipping, and marketing costs but no one will buy their game because of one glitch.

2. What, programmers can't catch all the glitches?

The answer is NO -- programmers are not necessarily gamers, they won't find all the bugs that a gamer will. If a company pays you $40/hr to play games and find glitches for them that would otherwise ruin the game experience for the user, and possibly hurt their sales, from their perspective it's really a good deal.

3. What kind of games will I beta test?

It will depend on the company, but all these games have been tested before release:

Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures
Age of Conan Testing
BattleForge Testing
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
Mass Effect
Mass Effect Game
World In Conflict
World In Conflict Game

4. Can I test games on the XBOX 360, PS3, PSP, Nintendo DS, Gameboy, etc?

This will depend on the job that you land. If you only want to test games on the XBOX360 ONLY then your employment opportunities will obviously be limited. You will apply for jobs that you like and test on whatever system that you wish to test on.

Video Games For Kids - The Best Titles For Wii and PlayStation 3

There are some truly great video games for kids out these days! Some of these are based around characters you probably grew up with yourself. Others are new and fresh on the market and are sure to please. The best thing for you to do is read descriptions and determine what your child will be drawn to the most.

You really can't go wrong with Mario! Mario Kart for Wii is a popular title and it even comes with a Wii wheel that makes it even more interactive and fun. This title was lots of fun on the Nintendo 64 and the Gamecube, but it is even better for the Wii. Nintendo has really outdone themselves with the new features that come along with this title.

Another popular game out this year is New Super Mario Brothers. If you are a fan of the old Super Nintendo side scrolling Mario games, then you will love this one as well. The difference here is that the graphics are spectacular, there are new gameplay features added, and there is a multiplayer component. While in the past you could only switch who was playing one at a time, (usually with Mario and Luigi) you can now cooperatively play at the same time. If you own a Nintendo Wii or are planning on getting one, this is definitely a title you'll want to pick up.

If you own a PlayStation 3, you want to take a look at Little Big Planet instead. This game is great for adults and children alike and it definitely expands upon your child's creativity. You go through and solve puzzle worlds with a "sock man," and you can even create your own worlds to solve. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving, since there is a complete online community with different worlds for you to solve, created by players from around the world. There are many thousands of these out there!

Your child will probably also love games based around their favorite movie or TV character. These are popular among children because they often take aspects of the movie or show and put them into the gameplay. It can be a lot of fun to play as a favorite character!

There are also learning games out there. If you can find a fun game that has an educational bend to it, you'll probably be thrilled - and so will your child. Know that it is possible to find games that will teach your child and allow them to have fun at the very same time. Reading online reviews can help to point you in the right direction when it comes to choosing which video games for kids to buy.

Don't waste time trying to find the perfect video games for kids! Visit http://kidsvideogames.net today to read expert parent reviews and get the best games for less.

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Maybe This Is Your Solutions . . Unlock Your Wii

Xbox 360 For Free Game

2009 has been a year to remember for Xbox 360 games. It is an extremely tough job to pick this year's top Xbox 360 game releases. Ask gamers in any setting about the top 10 Xbox 360 game releases of 2009, and you can hear words such as 'pawnzer', 'imba', 'insane' and many other colorful epithets as die hard gamers try to get their points across.

That still leaves us with the job to pick out the best two games releases of 2009 in terms of the Xbox 360 game deals. In an effort to help confused gamers who have been spoilt for choices this year, we have decided to rate two of the best games that have created the maximum number of battalions of teenage zombies this year.

1. Xbox 360 Assassin's Creed ii: This is the top Xbox 360 game release of the year. In fact, the game is such a smashing release that it can also be dubbed as the best game release of the year even if we widen the field and include other platforms. The graphics and rendering of the visuals in top Xbox 360 game has the potential to usher in a whole revolution in gaming. As is common with any rating system, there will always be gamers who argue that it is a sequel which by itself should disqualify its inclusion. More gamers will argue that its combat and acrobat systems are highly unforgiving and tough to handle. Even these 'unforgiving' gamers will accept that this game will be on the top 5 list from any perspective. In order to see the quality of the game and its game play modules, all a person needs to do is to log online and check out some of the videos that have been floating on the internet. Actually, the fact that the game is challenging makes it even more attractive as it helps a gamer become a part of the story line.

2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: This game had to handle a whole enchilada of fans full of anticipation and dread that the sequel of Call of Duty Modern Warfare may end up disappointing. Even with the bar of expectations raised to incomparable levels, this game has delivered everything it was supposed to. This sequel of the earlier game, which by itself was considered to be one of the best for the genre of First Person shooter (FPS) games, has gone one step ahead in terms of twists and turns in the plot, user friendly interface, and the amount of intense action. What is even more important is that this game comes with an added feature known as the Special Ops mode which allows the player to coordinate with a friend within the campaign mode of the game. Add to this the aspect that the highly acclaimed multiplayer mode of Call of Duty Modern Warfare has been further tweaked and refined and we have a game that is expected to ruin the sleep of many parents for months to come.

See the Top 10 Xbox 360 chart, coming soon to Xbox 360 and cheap Xbox 360 game deals at the Game Stock Xbox 360 Sale

Hi, I'm Chip. I get to play games and help out in my spare time for Game Stock. Game Stock are a games retailer based in the UK.

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Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Play Super Mario Online

Super Mario is a game loved by many. Children and adults enjoy playing Mario games because it is a fun filled action and adventure game. The game involves Mario, an Italian plumber who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom whose quest is to save the Princess known as Princess Peach.

Mario is a character made by Nintendo that was initially released in Japan. The platform video game was developed by Nintendo in 1985 and published for the Nintendo Entertainment system. Mario's brother also an Italian plumber, Luigi, was introduced and playable by the second player when the game is set to multiplayer mode. Luigi's role in the game is to assist Mario in his quest to find the Princess.

The Mario character has become one of the most popular video game characters recognized today. He appears in hundreds of different types of games, many remakes, however most are variations or sequels of the original. The original release was on the NES, which was a side-scrolling platform game. Now we see its growth and variations on many evolved Nintendo systems.

The most preferred variation of Mario games are the adventure type games. Although Mario Kart, Puzzle and card games are not too far behind. Anything Mario related seems to be a big hit!

Because of modern times and the growth of the Internet, you do not need a Nintendo video game console to play Super Mario games. That is because you can play Mario games online for free.

There are numerous gaming sites that offer variations of Mario games for you to play, and best of all they are free. Anyone with a PC, an Internet connection and flash player installed can have unlimited fun playing Super Mario Online.

Play Mario Online is a website that is packed with tons of fun free Mario Games for you to play. There are so many different variations of Super Mario flash games collected, so what are you waiting for? Play Super Mario Online.

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Free Chess Online With World Chess Champions

Chess is a mind gripping game of mental concentration and in-depth skill playing. Chess is practiced in many of the nations generally as an indoor game and is also a rich competitive game played between two players.

There are many of stuffs that are needed to play this game. The very fast thing that is needed to start the game is a chess board and 32 pieces. It is a square board with 64 squares all over the board. The colors of the squares are black and white alternately. For the player playing with white pieces there is 16 pieces and like as for the player with black ones. The pieces constitutes of eight pawns, two knights, two bishops, two rooks, one queen and one king. Both the players have one set each of these pieces.

Competitors' sole objective in the game rotates around eliminating as many as possible more and more number of opponents' pieces. The moment a players eliminates the king from his opponents' pieces, the game comes in his pocket. So the most vital strategy to win the game is just to kill the king. But also the game can end in a draw. Elimination of a piece becomes inevitable when it comes in the wrong path in fort of opponents pieces. All of the pieces have their unique way of movement in the board and their lies their strength. A players' efficiency reflects in his ability to save his pieces from getting eliminated as well as saving his king.

Chess has a vast charm in playing as so has it become popular in the online gaming industry too. We know can have the experience of playing with or against the computer itself. No matter whoever you are and wherever you reside you can play with anyone anytime online. There are many jaw dropping sites in the net for playing chess. Also good software of chess playing is available there. Some of them are World Champion- 'Rybka', Shredder Chess, 3D Beginner chess, live chess, Chess puzzle etc. One can have the virtual experience of playing against the Chess greats like 'Anand', 'Kasparov' etc. There are multiple levels of difficulties for playing of beginners and advanced players.

Many websites are there that allows players to have the experience of online chess games, for free. All that is needed is a simple registration procedure on the website to be a member.

World Chess Champions furnishes with elaborate information on Free Chess Game, Online Chess Games, Free Chess Game Downloads and more.

Free Chess Game Online.

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Pet Games As an Arcade Game Genre

Pet games as an arcade game genre, which you can play free on various arcade websites, has caught the eye of quite a few gamers. Kids especially approve of tending and cuddling with the little furry creatures and having them become part of the entertaining adventure. It seems to be in a child's nature to care for pets, feed them, play with them, dress them and take them for a walk in the park. Most popular among pet games online are cats and dogs, however, rabbits, horses and dolphins among other creatures seem to be finding their way into kids hearts as well.

Within the pet game genre, there are several types of games the player can choose from besides the species or breed of animal to play with. Some of the most sought after titles include veterinarian games. In this game theme the player finds himself in a clinic tending to sick animals. As the pet owners come in with their pet, the player must quickly identify the illness and take the animal to the proper station to apply the corresponding healing agent. If the player takes too long apply the healing procedure, he will watch as the line of pet owners increase exponentially and cause havoc at the virtual clinic. This pet game can be really entertaining and fun, and keep a kid busy for hours.

There are also virtual pet games, in which you actually have a chance to adopt a pet online. The player would go on to name him and dress him to his liking. This pet then becomes your image in the game, where you would get a chance to interact with others. Some online pet games include a forum where, as a pet, players can interact with other players. In a very similar manner some websites feature pet dress up games, where the player gets a chance to choose clothing for their pet just for the fun of it.

Other variations of these games online include the day care format. In this game theme pet owners arrive to the day care center for animals and leave their pet to you. As time goes by, pets will have different needs that require your attention. The player will have to feed them, bathe them and take them to the playing quarter as required. The way in which the player efficiently handles all the requirements will determine the outcome of the game.

Although most pet game enthusiast are mostly after adventure games involving pets and some action, animal puzzle games have achieved a following of their own. Examples of these in a puzzle include a picture, which is later scrambled and left for the player to put together again, or the classic mix and match, where the player needs to match to identical images by lifting them up and remembering where they were. Several other game formats exist involving many types of animals in the form of either dress up games, puzzles, adventure and other flavors. In the end, pet games online have one important thing in common, which is a love for animals.

Enter the exciting world of free pet games. Play Puppy games and other pet games online at Petgames123.com.

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Flash Games Online

It's vacation time. There are various camps organized for children to enjoy their holidays. These are really expensive for people who just about manage their expenditure. However, it is not written anywhere that such individuals cannot have fun in their life. Even they have the right to enjoy. But the question put forth is what are the entertainment options available for them to make their vacation the most memorable. The only answer in today's world is online games.

This segment of online games has gained popularity because it allows the Internet users to eradicate their boredom even at midnight or early morning. It is believed that getting a bored feeling is almost impossible when one can play many flash games online. Thanks to the increasing popularity of the Internet, the online gaming terrain is also gaining wide fame. Some of the games are available for free, and some ask for a deposit. However, you will be relieved to know that the deposit is not that high when compared to the camps and other outdoor activity programs.

For the flash games, you will get to play in 2D. Moreover, you will also find 3D games that are available on various gaming sites. As we know that the 3D games give better visual effects, many people opt to play such games. However, it is said that the 2D ones do better over their 3D counterparts maybe because the latter are the expensive video games. Therefore, instead of paying monthly charges to play games on the Internet for 3D effects, people choose free ones. It is the good option for refreshing one's soul, mind and body. People also play because they feel great when they get high score. Winning virtual games gives them the same feeling of winning the actual game. Thus, the gaming websites have also unveiled high score games for free.

While playing high scores games, the players are enthusiastic about competing against other players for the top scores. This not only provides entertainment but also enables the players to survive in the healthy competitive environment. This might also help them in their real life while working in a team. Generally, in professional life, people tend to fail to maintain a healthy relationship while competing with other team members. The high score game will keep training them to deal with competition healthily.

Other advantages of playing online games are the less time consuming downloading procedure, a huge variety of games online to choose from, and easy access to hundreds of flash games within no time. Moreover, the players can browse other sites while playing the games. So, multi-tasking is also possible. Many of them have the habit of losing or breaking the CD games. However, the online high score games are non breakable and one does not have to worry about losing them as well. So, you can easily save your hard earned money. All this is possible right from the comfort of your home.

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Mafia Wars Cheat Codes and Strategy Guide For Mafia Wars

Mafia Wars Cheat Codes - Just a Myth?

Millions of online games out there have what we call cheats that are supposed to help you gain an unfair advantage over your fellow players. Online games players are always on the look out for such game cheats. And Mafia Wars players online are no exception. You probably found this article because you were searching for "Mafia wars Facebook cheats" or the MySpace version for that matter.

As someone who has played mafia wars for a long time now and knows every bit of the game, I will be honest with you and say there is unfortunately no such "cheat code" for the mafia wars game. However there are several things you can do that will help you grow your mafia, get Godfather points and put you on a very fast track to becoming a Mafia Wars Godfather in no time.

Grow your mafia

Growing your mafia empire is perhaps the most important aspect of the mafia wars game. You need to grow your mob family by inviting more people to join your mob. The more mob members you have, the stronger your mafia gets. This will make winning battles, successfully carrying out a robbery and acquiring properties easier for you.The first step to growing your mob is to invite all your Facebook friends to join your mafia.

Become Wealthy

Increasing your wealth is also another big factor in determining your rank in the Mafia Wars world. How you build your wealth is by acquiring more properties or completing more jobs. Another way is to rob others of their properties.

As a new player in the mob world, you need to buy properties that cost less but have good returns. One such property is the Mafia Mike Delis. But the number you can buy depends on how many Mafia friends you have. As you make more money, buy more expensive properties and acquire a lot of them. The more properties you buy, the higher the price increases. Always monitor the maintenance costs of your weapons, vehicles and other expensive properties. Make sure you have good enough cash-flow to cover these expenses.

Godfather Points

Acquire a lot of Godfather points. You can buy Godfather points online but I will not recommend that to you. There is a much easier and faster way to get Godfather points. Godfather points can be used for a variety off things. You can use them to increase some attributes of your mafia. Also there are some special weapons and properties that can only be bought with Godfather points.

Mafia Wars Blueprint is the best guide out there today. Click Here to my comprehensive review of this guide and to also get a copy.

Daniel is a top Mafia Wars Godfather and he shares his secrets on his blog.

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Strategy Guide For Mafia Wars - Increasing Your Family Size

This article will inform you of a strategy to help you rule the streets and help increasing your Mafia Wars family size.

Growing the Mafia Wars family is one of the most important things of the play and is of greatest importance for your playing experience. If you are not familiar with how these on-line video games like Mafia Wars are run, sizing up your family may also be the hardest task to complete. It is of utmost importance to learn the fact that it will be easier to play the game the greater and bolder the klan is.

Below are two action plans you you can use to gear up your leveling of the Mafia Wars play.

If you have a Facebook or MySpace account you likely steadily, get offers from your acquaintances who play Mafia Wars to join their families. Sadly you will possibly be wasting your time with these gangs after all they are not good caliber in most circumstances. It is more appropriate to opt for a big and well-rooted gang among plenty clever players than a immature family with just not many talented players, after all in this computer game, there is a safety in numbers.

In the future you can even leave those families you first joined when you have built a strong sense and accompany even larger and more clever families and enjoy the advantage from both the gang size and the strength of countless superlative individual players. You may also visit a forum on Mafia Wars to identify powerful players and join their families. For any particular level there ought to be an appropriate forum where you will find excellent families so you don't have to make your way through the bad players.

Alternatively it may be desirable to establish a family by yourself. The first thing you can do is send your friends a proposal on MySpace and Facebook. You only need a couple hundred buddies to grow your gang to a reasonable greatness. If merely 5% of them start playing the game that is yet a fairly satisfactory number. You should however anticipate practically all of those new friends will leave the game shortly. You will still benefit from experience because you will have significantly acceptable knowledge about the game after all.

Of course there is lots more one can learn on from this game than I can fit into one short article. Normally actual players are keen to advise new players and more knowledge can be found on forums related to the game.

Many Mafia Wars information handbooks have been written by booming players and I propose you look at a few of them. What you profit from reading a manual is a complete strategy on how to size up your family, pick your jobs knowingly, win loot items and in the end, win the game. You will overtake your friends and enemies if you spend some bucks on a help guidebook, and in my view it is truly worth the dollars spent. At least five Mafia Wars information guides are truly good, and there is a dozen of other guidebooks available.

For more detailed information, I recommend you check out My Mafia Wars Strategies for more Mafia Wars Tricks and Game Hints

Peter Peterson has been playing MafiaWars on Facebook for a few months and he is an enthusiastic player.

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"Introducing the Mafia Wars Blueprint. . ."

and the result

How to Earn Farmville Dollars

You're going through the paces on Facebook, checking your messages, seeing what folks wrote on your wall, and you see an invite from a friend to become neighbors in a quiet place called Farmville. Farmville is a new game by Znyga that has swept up tens of millions of people, yet even with a population bigger than New York City and Tokyo combined, it still has that small town charm. After reading the news stories and hearing the industry buzz about the hundreds of millions that Zynga raised, you get a bit curious and accept the request. You're going to start up your own farm. And eventually, you're going to find yourself earning Farmville Dollars.

Farming can be tricky, it takes time to learn the ropes. You click and click and life sprouts all around you, raking up coins you earn for selling your produce. Before the clock strikes midnight and you realize you've been at it since 5PM, you are addicted. And yet, something is missing. Sure you've got coins, they make good bus fare and they can buy you what you need, but the best stuff, the prime tools and prizes, for that you need to earn some Farmville Dollars, how do you get yourself some of those greenbacked babies? And what is XP? What makes it go up?

You are about to find out. Are you excited? This article will tell you how to grow yourself rich earning some Farmville Dollars, coins and XP.

Coins are like candy, they love to give them out. You can win some in a raffle just by logging in each day. In Farmville, coins and Farmville Dollars are completely different types of money. Coins are money that you earn from playing the game, but Farmville Dollars must be bought with money from other popular games, such as US Dollars or Euros. Planting things and growing crops will earn coins, some kinds of crops sell for more than others, you can also sell animals and fruit from trees. Collect bonus coins when your Farmville neighbors and other Facebook friends are awarded achievement ribbons. Sell an animal, tree or farm decoration and you gain even more coins. And sometimes, as if by magic, coins will pop out of the fields when you're working the land, you don't even need a metal detector. These mystery coins are worth 100 normal coins, and the bigger your farm, the more often these gifts pop out at you.

There are only two ways to earn Farmville Dollars, leveling up or buying them. Leveling up takes time, money talks much faster. If you feel like spending $10 you can get yourself the delux farm with some nice tools, something that would have taken weeks of play to achieve. This time-for-money trade can be done with Visa, Mastercard or PayPal, for your shopping convenience. But if you are a disciplined sort of person who likes to defer gratification, you should wait. You don't need Farmville Dollars to do a good job on your humble farmlet, and if you see something nice at the market that costs a few Farmville bucks, just wait until Christmas. Sometimes when you level up, not only do you get some Farmville bucks, but prices will go down and the stuff you wanted can now be bought with coins. For example, at low levels a bigger farm costs some real life cheddar, we're talking at few dollars you could spend on a burrito. But once you get a few levels higher and you will be able to buy them with coins. Buying Fuel is one thing for which you'll always need Farmville Dollars.

What ties it all together is XP. XP stands for "experience points", back in the old days of role-playing games they would use "EXP" and then just "XP" for short. You can gain experience from pretty much everything, planting crops, performing activities and gaining prizes all net you more XP. Every so often those add up to a new level, which gives you new abilities and some Farm Cash. It's all about your experience, unless you want to spend some real money...

I hope you found this information useful. Please visit our website to learn more about How To Earn Farmville Dollars.

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Click Here About Farmville Secrets

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World of Warcraft Is a Fun Game For All to Play

The WOW world is an amazing place that all people can play in. If you have an Internet connection, and a few friends, you can take a ride into a digital fantasy world that is fun and exciting, especially if you participate with family and friends at the same time.

Do you remember arcades? To play, you would have to put money into the machine. When the first console systems came on the market, they were not very popular. They were not accepted by people, especially schoolchildren, because they were conditioned to go to the arcade.

The digital world has now advanced to a worldwide network. No longer are we confined to playing by ourselves in our rooms against evil villains that exist on our computers. Our competitors are now very real people masquerading as the characters that you see attacking you and helping you on your quest.

In the World Of Warcraft, you can earn gold legally by doing things within the game. It may take a lot of time, but it is the best way to move up to higher levels.

The best thing about this game is that you get to interact with friends and family online. You are in a cyber world full of mystery and adventure that brings you closer together through this interaction.

When you earn more in WOW, you can move up and get more things. It is always a good idea to try your hardest, but not let your regular life go in the balance. Too many people get addicted it and forget the world around them. Remember, it is only a game, and they are supposed to be for fun.

The more you play, the better you will get. It is an addicting one, but if you can limit yourself to only playing for a few hours at a time, especially with friends and family, it will actually make your life happier. I know. I play all the time!

Playing World of Warcraft is a fun filled adventure that can keep all family members captivated. Depending upon the level of your addiction, it may take you a long time to earn enough to get through each level. But in the end, it is all about having fun online.

Find More About World Of Warcraft

Click Here For Secret World Of Warcraft

This World of Warcraft cheat guide will allow you to:

Drastically decrease how much time you spend leveling,

Allow you to own everyone you know in PvP,

Make it easier than ever to find gold,

And will walk you through the most frustrating quests!

In other words, you can expect to gain the following from my guide:

Achieve level 70 more quickly than before.

Rediscover why you started playing in the first place.

Collect power-ups and more powerful items.

Earn tons of gold with little effort.

Complete harder quests more quickly than before.

Enter forbidden areas.

Find secrets and other hidden locations.

Gain a serious advantage on the battleground.

Read More About Cheat World Of WarCraft


Top Selling Video Games of 2009

Now that another year has come to a close, it's time to create a million and one best-of-the-best lists for the previous year. Even with a worldwide recession, gaming was stronger than ever. Here's a rundown of the top-selling video games for the year 2009:

1. Wii Fit.

This exercise game was not only the best-selling console game in 2009, but it's also become the second best-selling, non-bundled console video game in the history of the world. Wii Fit has received mostly positive reviews. One of the main criticisms of the game is that it doesn't provide its players with a serious workout. Then again, it could be argued that those who want that probably wouldn't be playing a lot of video games anyway.

2. Wii Play.

This laser-centered game for the Wii is actually a collection of nine games. While it received high marks for its playability, criticisms included the individual games' predictability and redundancy. Still, the game became a smash hit. In fact, Wii Play has become the best-selling non-bundled console video game of all time.

3. Pokemon Platinum Version.

Ironically, while this game was only an upgrade from the game "Pokemon Diamond and Pearl," it was a huge success. It also received rave review for the features that it contains, including its enhanced graphics and interface.

4. Mario Kart.

This go-cart-inspired game helped to introduce a new generation of gamers to the popular Nintendo characters. The series was launched in 1992. This version became extremely successful and even broke several Guinness World Records. It includes some past famous characters from the series, including Donkey Kong Jr., Yoshi, Koopa Troopa, and of course-Mario and Luigi.

5. Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360).

Ironically, this is the seventh game in the series from Capcom. The reviews for the game were basically positive. Although trailers for Resident Evil 5 received some initial criticism, the game had over four million worldwide downloads while the service was available for the Xbox Live and PlayStation Store formats.

6. Killzone 2.

The success of this game hooked gamers from the moment the first trailer was released. It received extremely high reviews, with features such as playability and levelling receiving particularly high marks.

7. Call of Duty: World at War.

This game is the fifth installment in the series. It received generally positive reviews from various online gaming review sites. Many reviews praised the game's setting and playability. However, others criticized the scope of the game as too wide, which they argued negatively affected the flow of the game.

8. Resident Evil 5 (PlayStation).

9. Halo Wars.

Deviating from the previous installments of the series, this one moves away from the first-person perspective of the previous ones. The game broke sales records after its release, while receiving mostly positive reviews from the critics. The PC version received more lukewarm reviews than the console versions.

10. Street Fighter IV.

This was definitely a huge oldie-but-goodie game for the year. The series has a loyal following, and this version didn't disappoint them. The home version (along with the arcade version) of the game received outstanding reviews, even though it was the first instalment of the series in about a decade.


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