Senin, 11 Januari 2010

How to Earn Farmville Dollars

You're going through the paces on Facebook, checking your messages, seeing what folks wrote on your wall, and you see an invite from a friend to become neighbors in a quiet place called Farmville. Farmville is a new game by Znyga that has swept up tens of millions of people, yet even with a population bigger than New York City and Tokyo combined, it still has that small town charm. After reading the news stories and hearing the industry buzz about the hundreds of millions that Zynga raised, you get a bit curious and accept the request. You're going to start up your own farm. And eventually, you're going to find yourself earning Farmville Dollars.

Farming can be tricky, it takes time to learn the ropes. You click and click and life sprouts all around you, raking up coins you earn for selling your produce. Before the clock strikes midnight and you realize you've been at it since 5PM, you are addicted. And yet, something is missing. Sure you've got coins, they make good bus fare and they can buy you what you need, but the best stuff, the prime tools and prizes, for that you need to earn some Farmville Dollars, how do you get yourself some of those greenbacked babies? And what is XP? What makes it go up?

You are about to find out. Are you excited? This article will tell you how to grow yourself rich earning some Farmville Dollars, coins and XP.

Coins are like candy, they love to give them out. You can win some in a raffle just by logging in each day. In Farmville, coins and Farmville Dollars are completely different types of money. Coins are money that you earn from playing the game, but Farmville Dollars must be bought with money from other popular games, such as US Dollars or Euros. Planting things and growing crops will earn coins, some kinds of crops sell for more than others, you can also sell animals and fruit from trees. Collect bonus coins when your Farmville neighbors and other Facebook friends are awarded achievement ribbons. Sell an animal, tree or farm decoration and you gain even more coins. And sometimes, as if by magic, coins will pop out of the fields when you're working the land, you don't even need a metal detector. These mystery coins are worth 100 normal coins, and the bigger your farm, the more often these gifts pop out at you.

There are only two ways to earn Farmville Dollars, leveling up or buying them. Leveling up takes time, money talks much faster. If you feel like spending $10 you can get yourself the delux farm with some nice tools, something that would have taken weeks of play to achieve. This time-for-money trade can be done with Visa, Mastercard or PayPal, for your shopping convenience. But if you are a disciplined sort of person who likes to defer gratification, you should wait. You don't need Farmville Dollars to do a good job on your humble farmlet, and if you see something nice at the market that costs a few Farmville bucks, just wait until Christmas. Sometimes when you level up, not only do you get some Farmville bucks, but prices will go down and the stuff you wanted can now be bought with coins. For example, at low levels a bigger farm costs some real life cheddar, we're talking at few dollars you could spend on a burrito. But once you get a few levels higher and you will be able to buy them with coins. Buying Fuel is one thing for which you'll always need Farmville Dollars.

What ties it all together is XP. XP stands for "experience points", back in the old days of role-playing games they would use "EXP" and then just "XP" for short. You can gain experience from pretty much everything, planting crops, performing activities and gaining prizes all net you more XP. Every so often those add up to a new level, which gives you new abilities and some Farm Cash. It's all about your experience, unless you want to spend some real money...

I hope you found this information useful. Please visit our website to learn more about How To Earn Farmville Dollars.

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