Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Tips & Trick Cafe World

Cafe World Tips, Tricks, and Hints - 3 Things That Will Put You Ahead of Your Neighbors!

These Cafe World tips, tricks, and hints will put you way ahead of your competition if you use them correctly!

1) Set up a very efficient layout.

There are some layouts that do a lot better than others, so why not use them?

The best ones I've found are the horse shoe shape (where you have a little space behind the chairs for customers to walk) and setting up a few rows (again where there is space between the tables and backs of chairs).

Both of these allow plenty of chairs but also let your servers reach everyone.

2) Setup a great cooking schedule.

Probably the most lucrative of these Cafe World tips, tricks, and hints, if you're always cooking, you're always getting ready to make more money!

The problem a lot of new players have is they don't plan their meals well, so they often are left with no food to serve, which means no money coming in.

This leads me into my next point...

3) Cook the best foods as much as possible.

Some foods give 1 coin per serving, some give 4, some give 24 or even 99!

But to really maximize your earning power, you'll have to use combinations of foods and use foods that give the most coins per hour.

For example, Bacon Cheeseburgers give 13 servings x 4 coins x 12 times in an hour = 624 coins, which is pretty nice for just one stove!

The drawback here is that you have to take time to sit and watch it, so if you aren't spending lots of time on Cafe World, try other foods to get ahead.

Cafe World Layout Ideas - 3 Tips That Will Help Turn Your Cafe Around For the Much Better!

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