Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Video Games For Kids - The Best Titles For Wii and PlayStation 3

There are some truly great video games for kids out these days! Some of these are based around characters you probably grew up with yourself. Others are new and fresh on the market and are sure to please. The best thing for you to do is read descriptions and determine what your child will be drawn to the most.

You really can't go wrong with Mario! Mario Kart for Wii is a popular title and it even comes with a Wii wheel that makes it even more interactive and fun. This title was lots of fun on the Nintendo 64 and the Gamecube, but it is even better for the Wii. Nintendo has really outdone themselves with the new features that come along with this title.

Another popular game out this year is New Super Mario Brothers. If you are a fan of the old Super Nintendo side scrolling Mario games, then you will love this one as well. The difference here is that the graphics are spectacular, there are new gameplay features added, and there is a multiplayer component. While in the past you could only switch who was playing one at a time, (usually with Mario and Luigi) you can now cooperatively play at the same time. If you own a Nintendo Wii or are planning on getting one, this is definitely a title you'll want to pick up.

If you own a PlayStation 3, you want to take a look at Little Big Planet instead. This game is great for adults and children alike and it definitely expands upon your child's creativity. You go through and solve puzzle worlds with a "sock man," and you can even create your own worlds to solve. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving, since there is a complete online community with different worlds for you to solve, created by players from around the world. There are many thousands of these out there!

Your child will probably also love games based around their favorite movie or TV character. These are popular among children because they often take aspects of the movie or show and put them into the gameplay. It can be a lot of fun to play as a favorite character!

There are also learning games out there. If you can find a fun game that has an educational bend to it, you'll probably be thrilled - and so will your child. Know that it is possible to find games that will teach your child and allow them to have fun at the very same time. Reading online reviews can help to point you in the right direction when it comes to choosing which video games for kids to buy.

Don't waste time trying to find the perfect video games for kids! Visit today to read expert parent reviews and get the best games for less.

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