Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Mafia Wars Cheat Codes and Strategy Guide For Mafia Wars

Mafia Wars Cheat Codes - Just a Myth?

Millions of online games out there have what we call cheats that are supposed to help you gain an unfair advantage over your fellow players. Online games players are always on the look out for such game cheats. And Mafia Wars players online are no exception. You probably found this article because you were searching for "Mafia wars Facebook cheats" or the MySpace version for that matter.

As someone who has played mafia wars for a long time now and knows every bit of the game, I will be honest with you and say there is unfortunately no such "cheat code" for the mafia wars game. However there are several things you can do that will help you grow your mafia, get Godfather points and put you on a very fast track to becoming a Mafia Wars Godfather in no time.

Grow your mafia

Growing your mafia empire is perhaps the most important aspect of the mafia wars game. You need to grow your mob family by inviting more people to join your mob. The more mob members you have, the stronger your mafia gets. This will make winning battles, successfully carrying out a robbery and acquiring properties easier for you.The first step to growing your mob is to invite all your Facebook friends to join your mafia.

Become Wealthy

Increasing your wealth is also another big factor in determining your rank in the Mafia Wars world. How you build your wealth is by acquiring more properties or completing more jobs. Another way is to rob others of their properties.

As a new player in the mob world, you need to buy properties that cost less but have good returns. One such property is the Mafia Mike Delis. But the number you can buy depends on how many Mafia friends you have. As you make more money, buy more expensive properties and acquire a lot of them. The more properties you buy, the higher the price increases. Always monitor the maintenance costs of your weapons, vehicles and other expensive properties. Make sure you have good enough cash-flow to cover these expenses.

Godfather Points

Acquire a lot of Godfather points. You can buy Godfather points online but I will not recommend that to you. There is a much easier and faster way to get Godfather points. Godfather points can be used for a variety off things. You can use them to increase some attributes of your mafia. Also there are some special weapons and properties that can only be bought with Godfather points.

Mafia Wars Blueprint is the best guide out there today. Click Here to my comprehensive review of this guide and to also get a copy.

Daniel is a top Mafia Wars Godfather and he shares his secrets on his blog.

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Strategy Guide For Mafia Wars - Increasing Your Family Size

This article will inform you of a strategy to help you rule the streets and help increasing your Mafia Wars family size.

Growing the Mafia Wars family is one of the most important things of the play and is of greatest importance for your playing experience. If you are not familiar with how these on-line video games like Mafia Wars are run, sizing up your family may also be the hardest task to complete. It is of utmost importance to learn the fact that it will be easier to play the game the greater and bolder the klan is.

Below are two action plans you you can use to gear up your leveling of the Mafia Wars play.

If you have a Facebook or MySpace account you likely steadily, get offers from your acquaintances who play Mafia Wars to join their families. Sadly you will possibly be wasting your time with these gangs after all they are not good caliber in most circumstances. It is more appropriate to opt for a big and well-rooted gang among plenty clever players than a immature family with just not many talented players, after all in this computer game, there is a safety in numbers.

In the future you can even leave those families you first joined when you have built a strong sense and accompany even larger and more clever families and enjoy the advantage from both the gang size and the strength of countless superlative individual players. You may also visit a forum on Mafia Wars to identify powerful players and join their families. For any particular level there ought to be an appropriate forum where you will find excellent families so you don't have to make your way through the bad players.

Alternatively it may be desirable to establish a family by yourself. The first thing you can do is send your friends a proposal on MySpace and Facebook. You only need a couple hundred buddies to grow your gang to a reasonable greatness. If merely 5% of them start playing the game that is yet a fairly satisfactory number. You should however anticipate practically all of those new friends will leave the game shortly. You will still benefit from experience because you will have significantly acceptable knowledge about the game after all.

Of course there is lots more one can learn on from this game than I can fit into one short article. Normally actual players are keen to advise new players and more knowledge can be found on forums related to the game.

Many Mafia Wars information handbooks have been written by booming players and I propose you look at a few of them. What you profit from reading a manual is a complete strategy on how to size up your family, pick your jobs knowingly, win loot items and in the end, win the game. You will overtake your friends and enemies if you spend some bucks on a help guidebook, and in my view it is truly worth the dollars spent. At least five Mafia Wars information guides are truly good, and there is a dozen of other guidebooks available.

For more detailed information, I recommend you check out My Mafia Wars Strategies for more Mafia Wars Tricks and Game Hints

Peter Peterson has been playing MafiaWars on Facebook for a few months and he is an enthusiastic player.

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"Introducing the Mafia Wars Blueprint. . ."

and the result

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